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Book Club Discussion on “Atomic Habits”

Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit.
Library Book Club began as a way for like-minded employees to discuss their favorite books and to encourage the habit of reading. It has since opened its doors to all individuals who share a common love for books.

In its 6th meeting, the Club discussed “Atomic Habits,” one of the best-selling nonfiction books ever. The discussion was led by Deepti Khanvilkar, who began by noting the coincidence of James Clear’s last name(Clear) and his immense clarity in writing about building amazing habits.

Here’s a quick summary of the discussion:
– Small incremental changes compound over time. Don’t expect instant gratification or rely on fads; stick to the basics.
– Systems over goals. All Olympic athletes aim for the gold medal, but what separates the winner from the rest is their system.
– Identity over outcome. If you want to quit smoking, identify yourself as a non-smoker rather than someone trying to quit.

It was inspiring to hear some of our members share their stories on habit-building and their strategies. I have also successfully used some of the protocols mentioned in the book. Simple things like always keeping my gym bag packed or leaving a book on my work desk act as cues to remind me to follow the habits I want to build.

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